Linking (using embed) and XML Schema

Ronald Bourret rbourret at
Wed Aug 4 16:47:55 BST 1999

Roger L. Costello wrote:

> Suppose that I have an XML document that is created by assembling XML
> data from various sources, using XML Link (with show="embed").  For
> example, we may create an XML document to show stock quotes, where the
> quotes are gotten from, say, three different sources.
> Such a document raises interesting questions with regards to the XML
> schema for that document.  Does the schema describe the structure of the
> document *after* the embeddding process has occurred (post-embed), or,
> does the schema describe the structure of the document *before* the
> embedding process has occurred (pre-embed)?  

Interesting question.  The schema specification does not answer it.  However, it is really a question for the XLink folks, as it applies to DTDs as well as schemas. I doubt there is a simple answer, as both cases are useful.

> Another interesting question is: can we specify (in the schema?) that
> the XML parser should validate the pre-embed version versus the
> post-embed version?

Not currently.  Again, this might be a property of the link, not the schema.

-- Ron Bourret

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