
Peter Murray-Rust peter at ursus.demon.co.uk
Thu May 28 10:22:27 BST 1998

At 09:49 28/05/98 +0200, [a correspondent] wrote:
>I tried it now and the JAR file does not work since all paths in it
>are of the form C:/jumbo/classes/jumbo/xml/*

Thanks. This is the first time I have distributed a *.jar I will try again.
Since the source is there it should be possible to compile it (and I'd be
grateful for any reports of compilation problems).

>Once I unzipped it and placed in correctly on the CLASSPATH everything
>worked nicely for me. I can't get any other view of documents than the
>tree view on the left, but that may be me and not you.

You have to RIGHT click (or doubleLeftClick) on a node, because
singleLeft-clicking seems to be bound to opening the tree. The right-click
has to be fairly quick (i.e. a 'click' rather than a mouseUp). I am still
learning about Swing.

I had hoped to have some clickable icons on each node (as JUMBO1 has). The
first time I did this with Swing it worked beautifully (with
swing.tree.TreeCellRenderer). But then one day it stopped working and I
haven't been able to find out why. I'd be *delighted* if someone else could
give me some pointers. That is why I can't change the font, icons, etc in
the Tree.

Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/vsms, Virtual Hyperglossary

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