YAXPAPI (Yet Another XML Parser API)- an XDEV proposal

Peter Murray-Rust peter at ursus.demon.co.uk
Sat Dec 13 23:32:03 GMT 1997

At 14:00 13/12/97 -0800, Don Park wrote:
>Tim and Peter,
>IMHO, it would be major mistake to combine XML parser client API and service
>provider API.  I would much rather see something like Swing's TreeModel
>interface used as XML parser service provider API with opaque objects.

I think it's clear that we are not going to see just one API. Your
suggestion, the grove plan, Xapi-J are all viable ways forward. The point
is that Tim, DavidM, Norbert and I have all - independently - come up with
fairly simple models for APIs which have a large degree of communality.
They have the merit of being fairly simple for newcomers. None are required
to be tree-structured.
>public interface XmlTreeModel {
>    public Object getRoot ();
>    public Object getParent (Object child);
>    ...
>public interface XmlEventModel {
>    public String getElementName (Object event);
>    ...
>public interface XmlEventProducer {
>    public void addConsumer (XmlEventConsumer c);
>    public void removeConsumer (XmlEventConsumer c);
>    ...
>public interface XmlEventConsumer {
>    public void elementStarted (XmlElementEvent evt);
>    public void elementEnd ed (XmlElementEvent evt);
>    ...

I have looked at TreeModel in Swing and even implemented a simple JUMBO
display on it. I have to confess that, being a Dumb Browser Hacker, I found
it quite tough going. If the only interfaces to XML parsers are based on
this level of abstraction a lot of people will find them hard.

WE have been part way down this road before - look through XML-DEV
discussions 6+ months ago. I think it's essential we home in on a
moderately simple parser NOW - we know what we need to do - we simply need
to agree on the precise components and the terminology. 

>>I acknowledge this is grossly insufficient for basing an editor on. You
>>that, use the DOM.  Only a few choices have design implications:

All I want is to get the DOCTYPE stuff from the file. AElfred now provides
exactly what I want - we just need to agree it.


Peter Murray-Rust, Director Virtual School of Molecular Sciences, domestic
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VSMS http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/vsms, Virtual Hyperglossary

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